Enables to search Japanese(Nihongo, 日本語) words from Cebuano(Bisaya, Binisaya) with offline.Japanese words are described with Kanji(漢字), Katakana(カタカナ), Hiragana(ひらがな) and Romaji(ローマ字).Also word-speech is available to learn pronunciation of kotoba(words).Good for Bisayan Japanese learners who are tired of an English-Japanese dictionary(Jisho, 辞書). Good for JLPT N1 N2 N3 N4 N5 N6.Good for making flash cards renshuu- Developers profileA Japanese blogger.Speaks Japanese, English and Cebuano(Bisaya).Making Bisaya people laugh is my life.FB: https://www.facebook.com/yukijpbisayaみんなの日本語能力をアップさせるために作りました。Minna no nihongo noryoku wo appu saseru tameni tukurimashita.Developed to improve your Japanese vocabulary of kaiwa.